SERVICESIT Consulting. Full Project and Team Setup for the development of the software products based on Microservices Architecture. Defining the best Platforms, Frameworks, Environments, Tools and Methodologies. Defining Development Strategy by taking into account possible Business, Team, Project and Product specifics.
AREASMicroservices Architecture covering the widest range of environments, from the Edge to the Cloud. Native Cloud Development.
COMPONENTSArchitecture, Development (Frontend, Backend, Web, Mobile, Cloud, Edge), Big Data Analytics, Security, Encryption, Identity Management, Testing (UI, Unit, API, Integration, Performance, …), Containers, CI/CD, Project Structure, Project Management, Planning, Methodologies, Knowledge Transfer.
ROLESSolution Developer, Software Architect, Team Leader, Project Management Support.
CONTRACT TYPEThree-Month Contract for the Basic Setup. Can be extended to cover specific areas.
CONTACT DATAVedran Zdešić, M.E.E., MCT, MCSD, Solution Developer, Software Architect, Senior Consultant, Team Leader, Lecturer.
Address: Zagreb, Croatia.
Mobile: +385918875749